Deviled Eggs
Deviled meaning spiced. Also known as stuffed eggs. Boiled, seasoned eggs date as far back as Roman times, supposedly served to guests at the beginning of a meal. Stuffed eggs would be popular in Europe since then. This recipe, which contemporaries may be very well familiar with, probably isn't a very old recipe, considering that mayonnaise wasn't invented until the 18th century at the earliest.
ab ovo usque ad mala - from the egg, to the apple - from beginning to end
- 1 egg for every 2 deviled eggs
- mayonnaise
- mustard
- paprika
- dill cucumber pickles (optional)
- Hard boil the eggs, place them in a pot of water and bring to a boil for 1 min.
- Remove from heat, cover, and let sit for 10 min.
- Quickly add eggs to an ice bath, and let cool.
- Cut eggs in half lengthwise, and place yolks into a bowl. Set egg whites aside.
- Mix yolks with mayonnaise and mustard, add slowly to taste.
- (Optional) Add a minced pickle (or two) to the mixture.
- Fill egg whites with the yolk mixture.
- Sprinkle filled eggs with paprika.